Unifor and Shell's new agreement includes wage increases, improved holiday time, and avoids a strike

On Wednesday, Canada’s Unifor union confirmed that its members at Shell's Alberta unit ratified a new four-year agreement, which includes a 16 percent wage increase, according to Reuters.
This agreement averts a potential strike at the Scotford-based facility, as members had overwhelmingly voted in favour of a work stoppage in late June.
Unifor stated that the agreement also allows for further wage gains and improvements to time off for statutory holidays and various union-based leaves.
A Shell spokesperson noted, “On July 7th, Shell reached a tentative agreement with Unifor Local 530-A, which has now been ratified by the union membership,” in an emailed statement to Reuters.
The Scotford complex features a bitumen upgrader, oil refinery, chemicals plant, and a carbon capture and storage facility. According to Shell, the upgrader can process 320,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day of diluted bitumen.